Sunday, November 15, 2015

Bodybuilding Journey Fall 2015 Part II

I used fitness, nutrition, and weightlifting knowledge I already had.....and merged it with Layne Norton's flexible dieting concepts and Arnold Schwarzenegger's Guide to Bodybuilding.

 May 12, 2015

June 1, 2015
 June 9, 2015

I remember waking up June 9th like "this sh*t just came out of nowhere." This was my reward for "trusting the process." For a while it did not feel like much was happening, then BOOM! I had confirmation I was on the right track.

In case you didn't feels damn good to have a hot body DURING the summer!

And to reverse the aging process. Looking like a few mature 20 somethings.

My daily protein (egg whites, chicken breasts, turkey breasts, and lean sirloin) really helped me keep solid muscle. The problem was I was at a point where I really needed to cut some weight. I should have been eating more greens, asparagus, and spinach during this time.

But it was time for me to get my first experience on stage at the Beachbody Classic in Nashville. Maybe I set my goals too low with this experience. I did not plan to win the event nor did I want to. It was a physique competition and I had been training, eating, and thinking like a bodybuilder. I simply wanted to experience.

I learned that dialing in during Peak Week will enhance what you've created. Also, the meal before pre-judging can make an amazing difference.

 The problem with the Beachbody Classic was that pre-judging was on a Friday morning and the on-stage finals was on a Saturday night.  I did not spray tan. I just rubbed half a bottle of olive oil on and made a commitment to enjoy the moment. I had too much body fat to win the competition, but when I sized up the competition I saw no reason why I could not be successful at this if I kept going. After Nashville, I went from getting the experience to wanting to win show.

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