Some times in life you get an unexpected bonus. When you commit to putting in the work for a desired result, the universe conspires to help you. Immediately after our strong showing at the NOBA Fall Classic, the McCohn Muscle Training team gained a new competitor.
This burrito is brought to you by Hass Burrito on Sawmill Rd. Incredible!
Refeed! Once I got a little taste of success, I stayed wanting more. This burrito gave me the sweats. And this Halo Top ice cream cured my sweet tooth.
Now it's time for PEAK WEEK!
And I made a few changes. First thing was I ate more greens. Second thing was I increased my fat intake by consuming more fish oil, coconut oil, and peanut butter. This helped me create a much leaner look than the week before. I also incorporated some hot yoga classes 2x/week at the Wellness Forum I think that helped me release water from underneath my skin which gave me an even tighter look.
I also decreased my sodium and protein. Everything I consumed was real clean. It's no wonder I had energy galore.
I felt better than I can ever remember. I ran five miles non-stop with ease during Peak Week. I cut down on everything, carbs, protein, sodium, water, weights for my workouts. Increased fats, greens, and added higher reps and more sprints in my training. Boy did it make a difference.
Right after the spray tan. What a difference two weeks can make.
Great comparison shot for me right here. Looks like I'm destroying two good men.
That moment when you're feeling yourself a little bit, and you're not afraid to show it.
Side chest!
Feeling it again!
Aaaahhhhhhh! WHAT A RUSH!!!
OCB Buckeye State Natural Open Bodybuilding FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: 4th place, 2nd place, 1st place, 3rd place, 5th place. I'll take 3rd. I could have finished higher. I know there is plenty for me to improve on though.
And I got a lot of love and support from my tribe. That always helps make a winner.
The judges at this show were not as enamored with the beautiful Brazilian as they were at the show two weeks before. I take full responsibility for that. The judges' critique from this show was humbling, and they gave Rafa and I a plan of action on what we needed to work on in the offseason.
When you add it all two shows we took home THREE 1st place trophies, and TWO 3rd place trophies. Add in the 4th place trophy that #BeastMom earned, and McCohn Muscle Training had a damn good run during the competition season. We are only going to get better from here.
If the Natural Bodybuilding community in Columbus, Ohio had never heard of us, they know who we are now. BOOM!
Mallory! I call her a bulldog with a briefcase because she means BUSINESS. She began her competition training in July with another coach. She trained hard and made some changes to her body composition but her coach did not have a vested interest in her progress. Mallory was smart and bold enough to make a change, and through a client she was able to connect with me.
Since I had a highly successful blueprint I felt good about bringing Mallory in, making changes to what she was doing, and charging hard toward the finish line. In 20 days she cut 10lbs, 2% body fat, and two inches in the waist. Amazing changes in a short amount of time, and we did it safely without jacking up her metabolism and hormones.
Some comparison pictures of her journey!