Thursday, July 11, 2013

Quit making excuses

"....ninety nine times out of a hundred, people don't criticize themselves for anything, no matter how wrong it may be." -Dale Carnegie

People. We've gotten so used to making excuses for ourselves. As a Personal Trainer, I hear them all the time. "I don't have time to work out. I don't have time to prepare my meals. I'm not seeing results. I don't like cardio. My husband bought them, I had to eat them." Yeah! That last one has been used several times.

At what point do you stop making excuses and start making changes? If something is important to you, then you will make the time for it. Why must I hear about you not having time to prepare meals when you are posting pictures on Facebook at a party holding two different cocktails? 
You're not getting any results? Duh! You quit every time the going gets tough. When it gets uncomfortable, you stop. When progress is slow, you become discouraged.

It takes DISCIPLINE, CONSISTENCY, and HARD FREAKIN' WORK in the gym and in the kitchen to build a killer body.

I applaud you for your three to six months of working out regularly in the gym. I think it's a great thing when you heed your trainer's advice about nutrition and metabolism boosting. But you know what? That's not enough. You must do it consistently, for a LONG TIME to see your harvest.
It's a long road! And there will be ups and downs. If you stay on course, you will get whatever it is you desire. If you start and stop, make excuses, blame everyone and everything but yourself, you'll end up out in the middle of nowhere.

Take responsibility for your thinking and your body. Instead of making excuses, make the necessary sacrifices to improve your health and fitness. The reward is well worth the effort. When you have your health and your hot body, you have everything. 😁

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