Monday, July 22, 2013

Obesity Epidemic

I attended the Columbus Rib and Jazz Fest this past Sunday. The temperature was in the low to mid 80s and there was not one drop of rain. The vendors were hard at work and the lines were long with people excited about tasting BBQ ribs from different businesses.

As I sat down for 30min and began people watching, the first thing that jumped out was the amount of heavy people there. There was definitely more than 50%. It was sad to watch; and the problem was not just in the fat. Many of these people got tired of walking and standing so they were seeking seats. Looking at everyone's posture, there was another obvious problem that we spend way too much time sitting anyway. So now we're fat, FATigued, and we're sitting so much that our muscles and joints become tight and stiff. Our lack of sustained activity is literally killing us. There may be a time where we physically must protect someone or something we love. How can we? We're not in condition to do it. We need to do better.

Did you know more than one-third (35.7%) of US adults are obese?

Obesity related conditions include heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer, some of the leading causes of PREVENTABLE death.

How do we prevent these conditions? Get off your a$$ and exercise. Go for a walk/run. Go to a fitness class or hire a competent and passionate personal trainer to hold you accountable and keep you motivated.
Eat and drink better. Completely discontinue all fast food visits, and pour those carbonated beverages down the drain. Your body will last longer and perform better with more natural foods and more water.
Be more active. Too much TV, excessive video game playing, hours in front of the computer screen all contribute to us being fat. We must become more active to save our lives.

1 comment:

  1. There are many adult and child obesity facts on this website:
