Friday, July 26, 2013

The Process-Business

The process of getting to the top and becoming a fitness icon has been fulfilling, yet demanding. In September I will reach the five year mark as a certified Personal Trainer. I have worked for a small business, a big business, and I am currently building my own business.

One of the many goals I have set for myself is to accumulate wealth. I want leave a legacy behind for generations to follow. The only way I believe that desire will become a reality is by building businesses. I do not personally know any wealthy people that work a 9-5 job. Do you?

My business has created and cost a nice chunk of change over a short period of time. I enjoy the challenges of getting supplies and equipment, while implementing systems and servicing clients. Spending resources and energy on websites, videos, clothes, social networking and mail. 

Then there is always that part when I have to give back. One because I am able and two because without the people/clients in my life I am irrelevant in business.

I am seeing now that I can't do this by myself. I have to hire a trainer or two that are passionate about health and fitness. Ones that are willing to learn and develop. They will need to understand, it's all part if the process.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Obesity Epidemic

I attended the Columbus Rib and Jazz Fest this past Sunday. The temperature was in the low to mid 80s and there was not one drop of rain. The vendors were hard at work and the lines were long with people excited about tasting BBQ ribs from different businesses.

As I sat down for 30min and began people watching, the first thing that jumped out was the amount of heavy people there. There was definitely more than 50%. It was sad to watch; and the problem was not just in the fat. Many of these people got tired of walking and standing so they were seeking seats. Looking at everyone's posture, there was another obvious problem that we spend way too much time sitting anyway. So now we're fat, FATigued, and we're sitting so much that our muscles and joints become tight and stiff. Our lack of sustained activity is literally killing us. There may be a time where we physically must protect someone or something we love. How can we? We're not in condition to do it. We need to do better.

Did you know more than one-third (35.7%) of US adults are obese?

Obesity related conditions include heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer, some of the leading causes of PREVENTABLE death.

How do we prevent these conditions? Get off your a$$ and exercise. Go for a walk/run. Go to a fitness class or hire a competent and passionate personal trainer to hold you accountable and keep you motivated.
Eat and drink better. Completely discontinue all fast food visits, and pour those carbonated beverages down the drain. Your body will last longer and perform better with more natural foods and more water.
Be more active. Too much TV, excessive video game playing, hours in front of the computer screen all contribute to us being fat. We must become more active to save our lives.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Renewed energy

Out with the old, in with the new. Lets make the changes we have to make TODAY in order to go do the things we want. Feel it. Feel fresh again. Give yourself a pass and start from scratch.

I've been on such a mission lately. It's 5am Sunday so I've been up almost 24 straight hours. I have spent the last few of them selecting new McCohn Muscle Training apparel, building a music playlist for the gym, studying posture and movement, as well as looking over business tax.

Mostly everyone is talking about Trayvon Martin.
I admit, I haven't followed the case at all.
Cardio Kickboxing, business decisions, working out, and new clients including a 13 y.o. athlete, a college freshman, and an amateur bikini model have kept me pretty busy. I don't mind that.

I have energy. I have renewed energy because I've renewed my purpose by setting new goals, and accomplishing the ones I've already set. People out here are counting on me and I don't want to let them down. 

People are counting on you too. Don't get caught up in something that has no value in the long run, no matter how desirable it looks now. Stay focused on what needs to be done.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and get ready to kick a$$ in the gym this week.
And prep them meals!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Quit making excuses

"....ninety nine times out of a hundred, people don't criticize themselves for anything, no matter how wrong it may be." -Dale Carnegie

People. We've gotten so used to making excuses for ourselves. As a Personal Trainer, I hear them all the time. "I don't have time to work out. I don't have time to prepare my meals. I'm not seeing results. I don't like cardio. My husband bought them, I had to eat them." Yeah! That last one has been used several times.

At what point do you stop making excuses and start making changes? If something is important to you, then you will make the time for it. Why must I hear about you not having time to prepare meals when you are posting pictures on Facebook at a party holding two different cocktails? 
You're not getting any results? Duh! You quit every time the going gets tough. When it gets uncomfortable, you stop. When progress is slow, you become discouraged.

It takes DISCIPLINE, CONSISTENCY, and HARD FREAKIN' WORK in the gym and in the kitchen to build a killer body.

I applaud you for your three to six months of working out regularly in the gym. I think it's a great thing when you heed your trainer's advice about nutrition and metabolism boosting. But you know what? That's not enough. You must do it consistently, for a LONG TIME to see your harvest.
It's a long road! And there will be ups and downs. If you stay on course, you will get whatever it is you desire. If you start and stop, make excuses, blame everyone and everything but yourself, you'll end up out in the middle of nowhere.

Take responsibility for your thinking and your body. Instead of making excuses, make the necessary sacrifices to improve your health and fitness. The reward is well worth the effort. When you have your health and your hot body, you have everything. 😁

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Juice more, live longer

If you have a juice machine, you need to use it. If you do not own one, here is why you should:

Our food supply is deficient of all kinds of vitamins and minerals. This is one of the main reasons our country is so sick, besides the abundance of toxic medication we consume. I probably have one or two friends in the pharmacy arena that are offended by that statement, but the ironic thing is they themselves do not take medication because they know what it does to the body. "The United States makes up 5% of Earth's population. They also make up 50% of the worlds drug/medication consumption." And we are not even in the top 25 countries of lifespan. 

Our government spends a 'google' of money on health care treatments, but not nearly as much on prevention. So it is up to us to keep our bodies from illness. We can do this in many ways; including not smoking, discontinuing prescription and recreational drugs, exercising regularly, keeping a positive attitude, getting chiropractic adjustments, and more fresh, raw foods. We also have a greater chance of dodging illness and disease by juicing more.

Our soil is depleted so even quality organic produce has less value than it did 50 years ago. Fertilizers, pesticides and fungicides have really jacked things up. Simply eating food does not give us the amount of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes we need. But making FRESH JUICE from organic fruits and vegetables gives our bodies living enzymes, vitamins and minerals "in the proportion that nature intended."

My friend shared a story with me about a family friend that was diagnosed with breast cancer. The doctor's told her she needed to go through chemotherapy to eradicate the cancer. Side note: side effects of chemotherapy include, decreased production of blood cells, inflammation of lining of digestive tract, and hair loss. I imagine its expensive too.
Anyway, the woman chose not to do chemo. She exercised regularly and juiced everyday instead. Wouldn't you know that six months later she was declared CANCER FREE! 

I encourage you to read as much as you can on juicing and superfoods. Then I encourage you to take action. Detoxify, cleanse, and heal your own body. You don't need drugs to do the job for you.

Special thanks to Dr. Guy Rieckeman, Kevin Trudeau, and Jack LaLanne who said, "if man made it, don't eat it."

McCohn Muscle