Olivia Skaates.....back on top!
Showing off her Champion ribbon at The Kentucky Horse Park a month after a serious surgery.
Showing off her Champion ribbon at The Kentucky Horse Park a month after a serious surgery.
She used to ask me "when am I going to be 'Client of the Month?" I would laugh and tell her that even though she worked hard when she trained, people that earn "Client of the Month" have exceptional stories. Some have lost 20+ pounds, some have shed off a high percentage of body fat, others have trained hard and killed it at a competitive event.
Now she is Client of the Month for September 2014.
This is what happened.
Benign tumor from t2 to t12 next to thoracic spine. That's pretty large. The surgeon recommended surgery and said she would need to collapse Olivia's right lung to remove tumor on that side.
You can bet Olivia was doing some intense cardio a week before her surgery. If one lung was going to be down, that other one had better stay strong.
During surgery the expert hit a lymphatic duct that caused a chile leak. Olivia had to be on a fat free diet for a week. She was out of the hospital after that week but three days after been sent home her right lung filled up halfway with fluid plus 1200cc of chile fluid in chest.
Another surgery, another chest tube
TPN nutrition for 8 days (that's liquid meals in a plastic bag btw)
Fat free diet for 2 weeks and she's been fine ever since.
Taking selfies during my adjustment though.
Congratulations Olivia on earning Client of the Month. Keep keeping your game tight!