Wednesday, April 16, 2014

McCohn Muscle Client of the Month-April 2014

These ladies would make any trainer proud. They're perfect examples of hard work, sacrifice, and persistence. Their journey has not been easy by any stretch, but they are still enduring. And they are leaders that moms everywhere can admire.

Stacie "The Photographer" Bowers and Marta "Skull and Bones" Valente started #GutCheck BootCamp together on March 10th. Over the span of that month and a few days Stacie has dropped 7lbs and 3% body fat. She has done it the healthy way too. Not by skipping meals and doing excessive cardio, but by having healthy snacks in between her three main meals and consuming a nice balance of macronutrients (carbs, protein, fat).  She has shed over an inch off her waist and an inch from her hips. Stacie is also a regular participant at Skaates Family Chiro Pure Fitness class on Saturday morning. One of the coolest things about her in my opinion is she has 5 children. Five kids!!! And she stills make the time for her fitness and is outworking so many people. Quite the inspiration. Nice work Stacie!

Marta is a soccer mom for real. Her husband and children both love the sport. When she started #GutCheck BootCamp last month she did not have any exercise experience. Did you miss that? She had NEVER been to a gym before, but she was eager to make a change. Over her last month she has shed 6.5 lbs and lost over 2% body fat. She's made it to every 6am class which speaks volumes for someone that is not a "morning person." It's not just the exercising though, Marta is eating healthier than she ever has and drinking more water than she's used to. #GutCheck has just given her an avenue to continue to make many positive changes in her life.

All the hard work is paying off for them! You can make a change too. All you need is the right mindset and some unwavering commitment.